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  • You likely know that strength, flexibility, and improving your posture will go a long way towards reducing pain and improving your spine's function. What you may not realize is that you began your life with a single curve, and the others developed as you began to crawl and walk as a child.

  • Whether you’re driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can cause painful injuries that may impact you for months and years to come. The weight of your vehicle combined with your speed can create a tremendous amount of force. During an auto accident, that force gets transferred directly to your body! Even "low speed" collisions can create enough force to cause serious injuries.

  • Your spine is a long chain of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that extend from your skull down to your tailbone. The cervical spine – better known as your neck - is designed to support your head and protects the nerves that connect to your face, shoulders, and arms. Whiplash injuries can create damage to these delicate structures and can cause symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, stiffness, shoulder pain, numberless, and tingling / pain into the arms and hands.

  • If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you may consider yourself lucky! But often it is only after you've had some time to calm down that you will notice you are struggling with aches and pains. Get yourself checked by a Chiropractor!



  • Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal', but times have changed. Doctors now know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not treated properly. 


  • "Sit up straight and stop slouching!" You've likely heard this since childhood, but is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer is a bit complicated. The latest research shows that it may be more important to think about a "balanced" or "dynamic" posture than perfect posture, and we're also discovering that our ability to change positions and move may be more critical than our static position while standing or sitting.

  • An estimated 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy. Why? As a woman enters her second or third trimester, her growing baby pulls her body’s center of gravity forward, which in turn increases the curve of her low back. That increased amount of stress on the low back often leads to pain.


  • A woman's body undergoes many transformations during the nine months of pregnancy. Some of these changes are visible, such as an expanding belly, while others, such as morning sickness and backaches, may not be as visible but equally well known. Then there a few body changes may be unexpected and catch some women by surprise.

  • How to Fix a Slipped Disc

    March 16, 2020

    Believe it or not, most herniated discs don’t cause any pain or symptoms. However, if you’re struggling with sudden pain after lifting or twisting, a herniated disc certainly may be to blame.

  • You’ve felt back pain. What’s causing it, and how can you tell if your back pain is muscle or disc related? Well, there are several common causes of back pain, and the first step on your road to recovery is identifying what type of back issue you’re dealing with.

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