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  • Mar2Mon

    The Most Common Spinal Disc Problems

    March 2, 2020
    Bottom Line:
    Have you ever experienced back pain? Did you know that's one of the most common health
    complaints in the US? Each day about 31 million Americans report having back pain, and a lot
    of it comes from spinal disc issues.
    Why it Matters:
    Your spinal disc is a complex piece of cartilage that sits between the vertebrae (bones) that
    make up your spine. Your discs have two parts. The tough outer portion, called the annulus
    fibrosus, is made up of collagen fibers. The inside of the disc is called the nucleus pulposus,
    which is gel-like. The discs have three main functions: to absorb shock, hold the vertebrae of
    the spine together, and allow flexibility of the spinal column.
    Back pain and other symptoms can occur if the disc is damaged or pressing on your spinal
    nerves. The following are some common disc problems.
    Types of Spinal Disc Problems
    ● Herniated Discs - A herniated disc is often called a slipped or ruptured disc. Symptoms
    depend on what part of the spine is affected and usually only occur on one side of the
    body. Patients describe a burning, sharp, stabbing, or shooting pain with specific
    movements. Some people experience numbness, tingling, or weakness if there's spinal
    nerve compression.
    ● Degenerative Disc Disease - When one or more spinal discs break down, often due to
    age and injury, pain can result. Over time, your spinal discs become worn and lose their
    rubbery texture. It's unable to act as a shock absorber, and flexibility can become limited.
    Next Steps:
    Does Your Back Hurt? Back pain can significantly impact your activities and active lifestyle. If
    you’ve experienced back pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, give us a call. These
    symptoms may be a sign that you have a spinal disc problem.
    Science Source(S):
    Herniated Lumbar Disc. BMJ 2011

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